The Limerick Radio Club EI4LRC was founded in 1946 by a group of radio and electronic enthusiasts.
In recognition of the contribution to Amateur Radio by individuals based in County Clare, Limerick Radio Club members took a decision in May 2019, to add Clare to the name. Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club.
The Limerick Radio Club EI4LRC continues to exist as an incorporated part of the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club EI4LCR. All the history and data associated with the Limerick Radio Club EI4LRC since it's foundation remains vested in the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club EI4LCR.
Members of the Club meet regularly for lectures and demonstrations on radio topics and undertakes various activities during the year such as Contests. Field Days, Islands On The Air, International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekends etc. A particularly important dimension to the Club’s activities relates to the training of individuals and also students of the Short Wave Listeners Club, in preparation for the HAREC exam. Mentoring of new licencees is a key activity of the Club.

The club can advise and run courses to enable individuals to sit the Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate course, which is requirement for operating an Amateur Radio Station.
On passing the examination, the successful candidate will be issued with a licence and personal call sign. Amateur radio operators are permitted to use various methods of communication such as voice, Morse code and data.

About the Limerick and Clare Amateur Radio Club
The Limerick and Clare Amateur Radio Club represents the interests of amateur radio in the mid-west Region of Ireland. The Club is affiliated to the national society for radio amateurs in Ireland - the Irish Radio Transmitters Society (IRTS), which is the member for Ireland of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
Officers and Committee
- Chairman: Dermot Gleeson EI2GT
phone: 087-2352028 - Hon. Secretary: Joe Ryan EI9HG
email: - Hon. Treasurer: Liam Rainford EI7DSB
- Committee Members:
- Michael Kingston EI2IX
- Gerry Gervin EI8CC
- Diarmuid O'Briain EI4LF
- John Phelan EI4EY
- Trustees:
- Tom O'Sullivan EI3AL
- Gerry Gervin EI8CC
- Harry O'Loughlin EI2KL
- QSL Manager:
- Brendan Kilmartin EI0CZ
IRTS Radio News Bulletin
The IRTS Radio News Bulletin is broadcast every Monday night on the Limerick Radio Club repeater on frequency 145.725 Mhz. This is a repeat of the news bulletin of the previous day on HF. The local transmission commences at 20:00 local time and is read in rotation by Simon EI7ALB, Harry EI2KL, Angus EI5IIB and Dáithí, EI6JGB.
Radio Hobbies and Electronics Fair
The club has run a very successful Radio Hobbies and Electronics Fair in March/April each year. This fair was first mooted by Michael Kingston EI2IX in 1987 and was continued to the present time by subsequent Chairmen. Since its inception it has proved to be a major radio event in the country each year.
Contests and Field Days
Club members take part in various contests/field days each year using the club call-signs EI4LRC/EJ0A. For special events, such as the International Lighthouse week-end on the 3rd Sunday of August, the club obtains a special call-sign EI0LHL to operate from Loop Head Lighthouse. Thanks to Clare County Council and the Commissioners for Irish Lights, the club has continued to operate from Loop Head for the IL&LS weekend.
With the support of the IRTS, the Club is promoting Amateur Radio through the activation of special call signs allocated to the 9 Wild Atlantic Counties. The activation will continue from the 1st January to 31 December 2017.
The club operates two voice/digital repeaters. The 2 meter repeater, on 145.725 MHz, is located on an elevated site at Rooskagh East (1,000 feet above sea level) near Ardagh, County Limerick, while the 70 cms repeater on 433.125 MHz, is located to the west of the city on Woodcock Hill, County Clare. Both repeaters operate on FM and the Yaesu Digital Fusion system, C4FM. The repeaters operate in carrier only access with Automatic Mode Selection (AMS).
As the Club’s 2 Meter Repeater was unavailable for some time due to difficulties at its former site, we are pleased to announce that it is now up and running at its new location. All reception reports are very much appreciated on modes FM/C4FM by email to
Location | Call | Channel | Output | Input | Access |
Rooskagh East | EI2REG | R5 | 145.725 | 145.125 | |
Woodcock Hill | EI7WHR | RB5 | 433.125 | 434.725 |
Location | Rooskagh East | Woodcock Hill |
Call | EI2REG | EI7WHR |
Channel | R5 | RB5 |
Output | 145.725 | 433.125 |
Input | 145.125 | 434.725 |
Access |
EI4SAM - Shannon Aviation Museum
We are fortunate in having very valuable access to the Shannon Aviation Museum where our permanent station is set up for use by members. This station is very well equipped in terms of transceivers, antennas and computer logging facilities. With a view to enhancing the current use of the station, the Committee and members will be activating it on all Saturdays from early June until the end of September between the hours of 11.00AM and 3.00PM. The station will be QRV on all HF Bands and will be monitoring the 2 Metre and 70 Cm repeaters. Of particular importance is the upcoming Museums on the Air event, spread over 2 weekends - 17 and 24 June - which is so relevant to where our station is located.
Club Subscription
Club Subs for 2025 are now due. Payment can be made to the Treasurer. Please note that only fully paid up club members will continue to receive text alerts and emails re club activities. Membership renewal application form here.
Club Membership
Anyone wishing to join the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club can complete the application form here and contact the club secretary via the contact details above.